
Your cup will run over

DRM in Car

God has been doing amazing things as we gather in His presence and wait on Him.

I want to tell you right now that the season has changed. If you will believe that and receive it in your life, you will see miraculous manifestations of God’s goodness.

Understand that you have to decree the season before you see it, so don’t worry if it doesn’t seem that anything has changed, or you feel that you cannot see the evidence yet. That is how it has to happen.

Don’t start saying, “It never works!” or “It isn’t happening!” You suffocate your faith by being too careful. At least learn to be quiet rather than speak out unbelief. Your words are spirit and they are life.

But we have entered a new season; one in which you are not just even going to talk to me about being “first in line”, because from here on out there are no more lines! You will have preferential treatment wherever you go!

I am speaking this to you by the Holy Ghost; the God of the breakthrough will not just visit your house, but He will stay at your house and you will see incredible miracles. Doors that you couldn’t even imagine opening several years ago, or even days ago, will begin to open effortlessly.

The instruction spoken under the anointing is filled with power, and your faith must rest in the mercy of God towards you. His kindness is incomparable. His goodness is simply amazing.

I love you and am praying for you!

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13 Comments on Your cup will run over

  1. victoria kacheche // October 8, 2015 at 12:49 pm // Reply

    Thank you Jesus you are speaking to me

  2. virginia wanjiku // October 8, 2015 at 1:10 pm // Reply

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    From:”” Date:Thu, 8 Oct, 2015 at 17:58 Subject:[New post] Your cup will run over

    Ramson Mumba posted: ” God has been doing amazing things as we gather in His presence and wait on Him. I want to tell you right now that the season has changed. If you will believe that and receive it in your life, you will see miraculous manifestations of God’s goodness. U”

  3. Hallelua! I believe and receive in Jesus’ Name, Amen! Thank you Sir for praying for us.

  4. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. I believe your words and I know my case is settled. Amen

  5. Thank you Pastor, it is like you were speaking directly to me. I believe my miracle is about to happen very soon, and I don’t doubt that for one second. My God is a God of miracles, and I’m just counting the days until my breakthrough. In the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!

  6. Amen and Amen. I recieve In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Thank You Dr. Mumba

  7. Lord I BELIEVE!!!!
    I take you at Your a Word.
    From now on I will receive preferential treatment!!!! 😄

  8. Songani Banda // October 9, 2015 at 7:46 am // Reply

    Thanks Man of God. I am lifted to a new level and I believe that many doors that were closed shall be open effortlessly.

  9. Amen i believe and receive it in Jesus mighty name…season has changed its my time.

  10. Thank you for being a prophet of Hope in my life. I believe and my spirit bears witness

  11. Amen

  12. Amen I believe and receive this word, The God of breakthrough will not only visit me but will stay at my hose, I will see doors opening up, new opportunities, and new realities in Jesus name.

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