
Our Story


The purpose of this page is to share with you our story – mine and Star’s. We count ourselves hugely privileged to be serving as pastors in this generation, and want to let you know how it came about.

I was born in Zambia, one of nine children. My father left his job as an accountant to serve God and that left an indelible mark on me. I sensed the call on my life whilst still in my teenage years.  I left my native land at the age of 19 to study in the United Kingdom, arriving with only £20 in my pocket and no means of support. It was a crash course in trusting God and using my faith. Three years later I graduated debt free! I earned a degree in business administration and then pursued postgraduate studies in theology.

During this time I was given the opportunity to pastor a group of about 20 adults and 10 children in a small town called Bingley, West Yorkshire. After almost 14 months I was ordained to the ministry on December 13th 1998. I still spent a considerable season working in a corporate business environment, all the while pastoring before transitioning into full time ministry.

God has led me on a fast paced adventure with Him. In 1998 God spoke to me clearly from Revelation 3:8 “See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it” This has been a foundation scripture for my entire ministry. God has opened doors for me to plant churches in London, Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff, Nottingham and Sheffield, UK, Houston Texas  and Lusaka, Zambia. He has also enabled me to go on TV and preach to people in many countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Today I am thrilled to say that thousands of individuals and families of all ages, races, color and social status call El-Shaddai their church home. I love to teach the Word of God. His love means everything to me and the Word is so rich. I have discovered wisdom in there to teach on relationships, family life, marriage, singleness, leadership, faith, divine healing, financial freedom and prosperity, evangelism, church growth, the Kingdom of God, covenant, the Holy Spirit and many more things too numerous to record.

The greatest gift that God has given me to serve Him and his people is the gift of a seer, or a prophet. This gift would never have been maximized to the degree that it has without the connection that God has given me to Dr Creflo Dollar as my spiritual father. It is my honor to serve as chairman of the board for Creflo Dollar Ministries, Europe, and to have preached at World Changers church in Atlanta, Georgia on several occasions. I owe the distinction that God has placed on my ministry to the awesome heritage of faith to which I belong: Dr Creflo Dollar, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Oral Roberts and Kenneth Hagin. These generals in the faith have my unequaled admiration and gratitude.

My beautiful wife, Estrella and my gorgeous daughters, Maryanne and Star are the most wonderful gifts that God has given to me.

Estrella is from Mexico City in Latin America, and she has an amazing testimony of God’s grace and personal leading by the Holy Spirit.

After spending many successful years as an award winning actress, Estrella heard God calling her to himself. At this point she had no church background, but despite this she became born again and baptised in the Holy Spirit alone in the privacy of her own home.

While seeking God about her future, she felt a hunger and passion to serve God’s purposes in her generation. She made the necessary transition from the entertainment industry to launching out in business to make room for what God was telling her He would bring about for her.

I am so blessed to have a wife who is so wholehearted for the purposes of God, believing her primary assignment to support and facilitate all that God has talked to me about. She has an incredible love for God and for His people and together we are sold out to fulfil our God given assignment to touch the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s word to me at the very outset, we are confident that doors are open for us all across the globe.

God has blessed us with an amazing ministry, distinguished by the revelation of profound truths from his Word, coupled with visible demonstration of God’s power, with signs and wonders following that Word. We have included some stories of people’s experiences of God’s goodness and power to change lives on this blog, so that you can share in the awesome possibilities that come into your life when you connect to the anointing.

Today we make our home in Houston, Texas, while continuing to provide oversight to the global network of churches.

We love to laugh, to have fun and to spend time with people of all backgrounds and nationalities. People are the greatest privilege, and we have an insatiable hunger to help people maximize their God-given potential and fulfill their highest aspirations.